
Manga Mania!

Remember how much fun it used to be dressing up your avatar in Yahoo Messenger? Well, here's a website that can create more accurate versions of your God-given good looks! We're hooked on Face Your Manga, an avatar creator that allows you to choose various shapes and colors of all your features for an even more realistic image of yourself!

Got one already? Send it to jwtgoodstuff@gmail.com and be part of our Manga Mania Collage. Deadline for submission is on August 28, Thursday at 7 pm.

It takes only a minute to create! However, some computers may require Flash for this to work. (Pasok, Sir Peter!) If you're too lazy to make one, here's a tip: we hear Kara is making a name for herself as the best Manga Maker on this floor. As of this post she was still doing them for free...

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